• The Grass Roots Collection

    Real Fighter is a business that is rooted in the working class. Real Fighter Brand respects the hard working, blue collar community. We admire honest, hard working men and women who get up every day to provide and contribute to their family and community. 

    This collection is dedicated to all working class individuals who build and run our country's infrastructure. Our "Thank You" to those hard working men and women that are often overlooked.

    The Grass Roots Collection

  • The Patriot Collection

    Real Fighter is a veteran owned business. Real Fighter Brand supports our military and our veteran community. To show our support we have partnered with Patriot Empowerment Institute, a veteran founded nonprofit that was created to prepare, empower, and support veterans for post military service.

    This collection is dedicated to all services and each and every piece within the collection is focused towards honoring distinct units within our military.

    We have pledged to donate 10% of The Patriot Collection sales to Patriot Empowerment Institute which will directly support the veteran community. To learn more about what this exceptional nonprofit contributes, please visit them at

    Patriot Empowerment Institute

  • Kid's

    Kids are our future. Let's take a minute to honor, love and remember the parents in our life. At Real Fighter Brand we know that being a parent is one of the hardest thing anyone can ever undertake. We know the difficult challenge every parent goes though to instill values and morals into their children as they grow up. Instilling kindness, humility, courage, and compassion is a great way to build character in your child and Real Fighter Brand is a champion of those foundational beliefs.

    Our collection shows your commitment to your kid's in a way others don't. Every parent is fighting for their children's well being, we know and support that. Give them the opportunities that we, as parents, never had while keeping them grounded. That is what our kid's collection is all about.

    The Kids Collection

What do you fight for?

We are all fighting. All of us are fighting for family, community, our people, our country. Life is a fight and Real Fighter is for those who take that on everyday and always move forward. What do you fight for?

Real Fighters